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Writer's picturePriyamvada Mangal

Some wisdom from my Yoga teacher Amrish Mody Sir (to be contd…)

Photo: Unsplash

Thoughts, feelings and actions should be in synchronisation. We should give importance to things beyond our indriyas to awaken latent knowledge and get out from deep sleep. To go beyond the stack of memory – our past, marriage, children’s future…

There is no problem with the body but with the mind, the body knows how to work in itself. Body is like a child – innocent but the mind is an adult – corrupt.


Seat. Yoga is not about getting in the asana and coming out it is about STAYING THERE. It is all about relaxing in the posture. There should be no imprint of asana on the body. The aim is that of mental clarity not flexibility. Flexibility without firmness is dangerous! Every part of body supports the other. It is to develop stillness – we are addicted to vibrations!

Do the posture to see if you have learnt anything new about yourself? Would you cook a fresh meal from stale food? But you do that all the time with your memories and experiences. Where you always try to relate the present situation with the past. Hence you are not able to create anything new, all of it comes from relating to old stack of memories. Yoga is about creating a new experience and coming out the old stack of memories and experiences. Are we all a bundle of reactions from our circumstances? Or we really have the ability to create something new?

Beefing up and running around only increases hunger which is unnecessary wastage by increasing input. The environmentalists are screaming their lungs out about saving the planet, but they are also destroying the planet. We all are. The need for materialism and constant consumption is emptying the planet of all the resources. Yogis knew how to use resources well. They used the resources of their body wisely so it could last for 200 + years, now we use it all up within 60 – 80!

Life is full of suffering, the apparent suffering in yoga is to reduce the suffering of life. You train your body now so that it does not have to suffer later.

Never breathe from your mouth.

Ahimsa is the base, once you keep hurting yourself other vices will kick in like Asatya, Steya, Parigraha, Abhramacharya

When opposing forces unite there is non-duality.

We have developed an incorrect posture due to watching phones.

Instead of burning in the fire of the world, burn in the fire of your own yoga practice.

Stomach – all actions should come from the stomach not the extremities. The entire body is working to feed the stomach so the stomach should also work optimum. Stomach is the mouth. Eyes on chest. Tongue below.

To learn Yoga and Mindfulness from me, DM priyamvadamangal or mail! Online classes open for everyone, everywhere.

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